Many of us are in lockdown again and so Virtual Coco is back for CCI co-counsellors everywhere. The opening circle is on Friday 12th February and the closing circle on Sunday 21st February. manyactivities will be on the weekends but if people want to offer weekday events, sessions or support groups then that option will be a possibility.  The workshop will consist of whatever is offered: sessions, themed coco workshops, here&now groups, dance, cabaret, shared walks, writing spaces... it all depends on your creativity and imagination!

Don't worry if you can only join one of the weekends, you won't be the only person in this position. However, we ask you to register before 12th February so that, for the safety of the group, we have a complete list of participants before the start of the workshop.

How does a virtual residential work?

The workshop is held together by a password-protected website holding a framework of Google Docs, Zoom and WhatsApp. There is a 'main Zoom room' for circles, group events (e.g. cabaret) and other workshops. The timetable and noticeboard are Google Docs that can be edited by any participant. There will also be a Google Doc for support groups - you can be allocated in advance to a random support group or you can create your own support group. There is a WhatsApp group for quick communication during the event. There will be an opening circle at the beginning of the workshop and a closing circle at the end but no daily circles because people are at home with different commitments. Instead, there will be a daily check-in for those who want it. If you have any questions, please ask!

Event Dates
Friday, 12 February, 2021 - 19:30 to Monday, 22 February, 2021 - 19:55
Money matters
Costs of attending: 


Payment arrangements


Registration / Booking Information
Contact Information

aisha [at] beckvale [dot] co [dot] uk