Come to McCoCo 2025
Four Day Residential:
Thursday 1st May 4pm to Monday 5th May 3pm
We all love coming to the beautiful venue at Wiston Lodge for this annual co-counselling residential, and we hope you’ll join us in spring 2025 to co-create another great experience together.
We are delighted to offer the McCoCo residential workshop. We are offering this exciting, international, supportive and beautiful space from Thursday evening 1st May to Monday 5th May. This will be the 26th McCoCo residential workshop. The Monday is a Bank Holiday for everyone in the UK.
We have booked again the wonderful venue 37 miles south of Edinburgh called Wiston Lodge. It is a magnificent 19th century former hunting lodge, set in 52 acres of beautiful grounds, including much woodland and streams. There are several spaces suitable for different kinds of workshops including a hall for dancing and a big room for the opening circles. For more pictures of the venue, click here.
The workshop program will follow the same format as many other co-counselling residentials,: a structure will be offered within which the participants will co-create the programme each day. Anyone can offer a co-counselling workshop or ask for a topic group, massage, music, meditation or indeed any activity that makes your heart sing. As well as participating in workshops and support groups or simply having co-counselling sessions you can choose to enjoy dancing, chatting with people from overseas in front of a log fire, walking in the lovely grounds or up the nearby Tinto hill etc.On the final evening we often have a ceilidh (informal cabaret).
Are you hesitating? New to Co-Counselling?
We extend an especially warm welcome to Co-Counsellors who have recently completed Core Training Fundamentals or who have not been to an event like this before. This event provides an opportunity for you to meet Co-Counsellors from throughout the UK and beyond. We will offer a workshop at the beginning of the workshop to help everyone settle in to the event.
Feeling rusty...?
No problem, the only requirements for having sessions is to be able
- to give your free, aware caring attention to your client
- to refuse to enter into a session contract or to give a suggestion if you don't want to
- to keep confidentiality
If you are able to do this, you will very quickly remember again what you have learnt earlier in Co-Counselling, especially when you experience the support, freedom and encouragement that McCoCo has on offer.
Staying with a co-counsellor before of after McCoCo
We can possibly offer accommodation with Co-Counsellors in Edinburgh or the local region.
Enquiries about food, travel, booking and everything else.... please see our website
McCoCo will be a drug-free workshop. That includes alcohol, but not prescription drugs, caffeine, and tobacco smoked outside the building.
We are looking forward to seeing you at McCoCo 2025
Bye for now,
Rachel Walmsley, Anna Green, Richard Charles Mills, Vicki Allen and Mick Drury.
+++ +++
'Real-terms' 2024 prices have been held!! ... it's just a 2.5% increase, in line with UK price inflation. We are pleased…
IMPORTANT: Please book early:
The venue staff have recently made an admin error which caused us some delay in publishing this advert. They have also moved the payment deadlines forward by a big leap, meaning that we need to have lots of firm bookings before the end of January.
So… if you already are intending to come, PLEASE book up by the end of January.
Prices are:
£327 EARLY BIRD, deposit of £150 by 24th JANUARY, balance by 5th February.
If cash-flow is a problem for you please get in touch with us. We may or may not be able to help.
£354 Full price, deposit of £150, balance by 28th February.
The above prices are for sleeping in a bedroom in the house, or possibly a cabin. See our note on the homepage about sharing rooms etc.
CAMPING price:
£279 EARLY BIRD, deposit of £100 by 24th JANUARY, balance by 5th February.
£307 Full price, deposit of £150, balance by 28th February.
NB Camping places are very limited: please book early.
If you’d like to come to the event but the price is a barrier to your attending, please talk to us. Our priority is to cover all the venue costs, but we may have some flexibility.
Booking is via the website
- Pay a £150 deposit to secure your place.
- Pay from your on-line bank account to
McCoCo-CCI (That's NOT McCoCo, which is the name of the previous account.)
Sort code: 40-27-14
Current account number 51560980Payment by cheque
Please see the website
Contact details are on the website, and are copied here as follows:
Start with the booking page: there are boxes there for most queries and requests. That form will go straight to Vicki.
Otherwise, for queries and requests about food, or travel + accommodation:
Contact Vicki in the first place. She will re-direct queries to the appropriate team member:
vickiallencciaol[dot]com ()