This afternoon will bring together cocounsellors from most recent trainings in London, alongside the wider co-counselling community of cocounsellors.  The style will be a short version of offering, asking for, choosing and running short workshops.  Space means 15 spaces will be available. First come first served.

Event Dates
Saturday, 10 February, 2018 - 12:00 to Sunday, 11 February, 2018 - 16:55
London experimental community
London E17 3BG
United Kingdom
Phone: +44(0)77 121 58897 (29th Jan on

Pref Vegan food to share

Money matters
Costs of attending: 


Payment arrangements

Eventbrite available - email celia Or

Pay cash on arrival

Registration / Booking Information

Contact organisers by phone (after Jan 29th) or email

Contact Information

+44(0)77 121 68897

celiaatorchardox [dot] co [dot] uk